Avid readers, friendly competitors, and book lovers of all kinds are invited to take part in the 50 Book Challenge at Twinsburg Public Library!
What is the 50 Book Challenge?
The 50 Book Challenge is a yearly program hosted by the Twinsburg Public Library where we invite you to challenge yourself to read 50 books in a year. This means reading about one book per week (or more!). To celebrate your reading accomplishments, we host two big parties a year where we offer prizes for everyone who has met their goals.
How do I sign up?
There is no formal sign-up process, but we do encourage you to join our group on Goodreads.com. On our group page, Twinsburg Library 50 Book Challenge, you can keep up with Challenge news and events, have book-related discussions, and share with the group books that you have been reading. If you have a Goodreads account, you can also automatically track your progress in the challenge by setting your reading challenge to 50, and adding each book you read to the site. You may also track your reading via our Beanstack page. You are not required to use this tool (you may continue using Goodreads or a paper log), but it is another option!
How do I use Goodreads?
Learn how to use Goodreads and join our group page!
What if I don't want to use Goodreads? Can I still participate?
Of course! If you do not wish to join Goodreads, you may use Beanstack, another reading-log website, or any other method you prefer to keep track of all your reading. We also have pen and paper logs available at the reference desk of the library. Whatever method you choose, we hope for your continued participation in the challenge!
What are the Challengers reading on Goodreads?
TPL 50 Book Challenge's bookshelf: read 58 members
Read 50 books in 1 year. Share any good books here with your group mates and friends on Goodreads...